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How a 29-Year-old Stockbroker Saved 669 Lives on Nights and Weekends

Milena Grenfell-Baines and 668 other mostly Jewish children were transported from Czechoslovakia to England in order to save their lives before the outbreak of WWII. The man who made this possible was Sir Nicholas Winton. In 1939, Winton, at the time a 29-year-old stockbroker, spent nights and weekends organizing logistics, raising money and cutting through red tape to get children out of Czechoslavakia.

Hitchhiker Gets Ride from The President of Uruguay- Hero to the Poor

Uruguay's president has become legendary for giving 90 percent of his salary to the poor, choosing to live on an austere farm, instead of the presidential palace, and using his 28-year-old Volkswagen Beetle to get around town. Now, President Jose Mujica and his wife are being praised for giving a ride to a hitchhiking mill worker.