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Whole Foods' Micro-Loans Help 1.3 Million People

Mission statements seldom come simpler than the one guiding the Whole Planet Foundation, which aims to alleviate poverty through microcredit — small loans extended to poor people — in communities that supply Whole Foods stores with products. Since 2005, the Foundation has witnessed a payback rate of 97 percent on the staggering $32 million committed to nearly a quarter million microcredit clients in 54 countries globally.

Invest in Microloans: Aid the Poor and Earn 3-6 Percent Interest

For two years now, savers have had a tough slog. Rock-bottom interest rates have meant nominal returns for anyone holding extra cash. But those who want to do some good in the world have actually done better than their peers – a lot better in some cases, generating enviable returns as high as 6 percent by funding Microloans.