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Roy Baker

Rising Star
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Teen Hits Full-Court Shot Twice in 2 Tries

A 13-year-old boy, Easton Gamoke, scored a full-court shot for his Minnesota basketball team in the last second of the game, bringing his team to victory last weekend. Not only that, he recreated it the next day on his first try.

Woman Gives Birth on Flight From Asia to San Francisco

A new mom and her child are resting comfortably in the hospital after giving birth 35,000 feet up on a flight from the Philippines to San Francisco. A flight attendant helped her to a private area as a call went out looking for nurses onboard. Three responded and worked together as an amazing team.

Ring Found in Frozen Pipes Returned in Time for 40th Anniversary

An Illinois couple wrote a letter saying Hooray for ice storms after what they found while trying to protect their frozen pipes. Tara Catogge and her husband Ian found someone's diamond and sapphire wedding ring while trying to clear the pipes in their kitchen sink last week.

Down Syndrome Student Crowned Homecoming Queen

Not only does Rachel Cooperstein have Down syndrome, she participates as a regular cheerleader in the all-inclusive squad at San Francisco's Dublin High School, and was crowned Homecoming Queen Friday night -- a title her fellow classmates were thrilled to give her in a secret ballot.

Officer's Act Of Kindness Restores Robbery Victim's Faith

Suffering from Parkinson's disease, Jim Light was an easy target for a cowardly thief who attacked him in the hallway of his apartment complex. The suspect then stole his computer, his cell phone, and all the food in his kitchen. Light, who is a writer, considered his computer his connection to the world. Now that it was gone, he didn't see the point of going on. Today, Light is back on track, thanks in large part to the compassion of a Hamilton police officer.