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Jeanne Goddard

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Jim Carrey's Inspiring and Funny Commencement Speech 2014

Attaining success in life, Jim Carrey told students in his recent commencement address at a university in Iowa, is about "letting the universe know what you want, and working toward it, while letting go of how it comes to pass."

Teen Track Star Carries Fallen Opponent Across Finish Line

A junior at West Liberty Salem High School in Ohio brought won a state championship medal in the 1600 meter race, but is being praised for her performance in the race she lost. Meghan Vogel was running around the final turn of the 3200-meter event when she saw a competitor fall in front of her. What happened next offered the crowd gathered for the Ohio Division III girls championship an inspiring glimpse into the heart of true sportsmanship.

Tasty Brownies Inside Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are Also Saving the World

At Greyston Bakery located in a rough borough of New York City, they don't hire people to bake brownies, they bake brownies to hire people. You've tasted chunks of Greyston brownies if you've ever dug into Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors like Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Half Baked.