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Jeanne Goddard

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Campbell's Soup Removes BPA From its Cans

Campbell Soup Company announced last week a plan to phase out cans that are lined with BPA (Bisphenol A). The company has already begun using cans with linings made from acrylic or polyester materials and will continue to introduce the new linings across the U.S. and Canadian until the transition is complete in mid-2017. Campbell […]

'Son of a Marine' Inspired by Soldier Riding a Horse Across US

On Father's Day, a Miami musician named Jesse Jackson recorded a song, not only for his father, a combat Marine from WWII who had landed in Saipan 70 years ago, to the day, but also for another Marine who today is crossing the United States on horseback to benefit wounded warriors and raise awareness of the high suicide rate among veterans.

Hero Who Stopped Seattle Shooter Gets Wedding Gifts And Honeymoon Paid For By Strangers

Seattle area residents were so relieved that a 22-year-old college student tackled a gunman and thus prevented any more killings at the school Thursday, they began to buy up all the wedding gifts for Jon Meis and his fiance at their online registry. Then, someone set up a fundraising page to pay for a honeymoon and you won't believe how much was raised in two days.

Woman Who Fostered 200 Children Receives $50,000 Award

Not only did she raise three children of her own and adopt 14 others, Alena Strickland has fostered more than 200 children over the years, many of them struggling with mental, emotional and physical disabilities. This week, she was awarded $50,000 from "5-hour ENERGY Helps Amazing People."

92-yo Customer Pays Nursing Tuition for Waitress

Benjamin Olewine is a regular at the Peachtree restaurant where Melissa Mainier of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania worked. Melissa knew she wanted to be a nurse and was wracking up a lot of debt to put herself through school. One day he told Melissa that he wanted to pay her tuition -- and has done so now for years.