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Jeanne Goddard

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This Package Could Help Amazon Use 200 Times Fewer Boxes

UK-based designer Yu-Chang Chou hopes to help stem the flow of single-use packages - like Amazon.com boxes - through a new design that can be reused 200 times. He calls it the Repack bag. Once the package is emptied, it can be folded and tossed in a nearby mailbox to return to the post office for someone else to buy and use.

Slowly, Asia's Factories Begin to Turn Green

Intel's new $1 billion chip factory in Vietnam, about 10 miles from downtown Ho Chi Minh City, embraces environmental and sustainability measures far beyond those required by Vietnam's laws. Intel didn't have to go to these lengths, but the motivation for these measures is simple, said the complex's general manager: "It turns out, what's good for the environment is also good for business."

Peace Corps Volunteers Use Chocolate To Lift Africans from Poverty

Africa produces 70% of the world's chocolate and 60% of the world's vanilla crop, yet the continent makes just 1% of finished chocolate bars, which leaves very little profit for the essential farming communities. Now, an innovative company started by former Peace Corps volunteers is disrupting that market spiral to make the world's best chocolate bars -- and make a difference -- in Madagascar.

Skyscrapers Designed To Make You Happy If You Work In Them

The definition of what it means to be sustainable in the 21st century needs to be broadened to include a skyscraper's ability to sustain the human spirit, says a design director at Gensler. Imagine energy efficient towers whose walls might slide open, allowing office workers to step outside, into the sky, for a breath of fresh air. Towers where seasonal gardens grow vertically and where friends might meet by a kumquat tree on the 68th floor for a cup of coffee on a beautiful spring day.

Start-Up Wins $630,000 for Making Bio-Plastic Out of Greenhouse Gas

A young start-up called Mango Materials has won a Green Challenge prize of $630,000 for its plan to use bacteria to turn the most abundant organic compound on earth, methane, into a biodegradable material that would be a low cost substitute for plastic.

Postal Service Reduces Energy Use by 26%

Since 2003, the United States Postal Service has reduced its energy use by 26 percent. Energy efficiency improvements at the USPS's 33,000 buildings have saved enough energy to meet the power needs of 90,000 households for a year. In 2011, alone, the USPS saved $22 million with its 1 trillion BTU reduction in energy use.

Denmark's Near-Zero-Waste Wonder

The small city of Kalundborg, 64 miles west of Copenhagen, was the first municipality to have engineered a symbiotic relationship between all its industries so that the excess heat, water, waste and other resources leftover become feedstock for other industries and farms, creating a closed loop system.

Keurig Coffeemakers Unveil Recyclable K-cups (Finally)

Keurig coffee fans might love the convenience of the single-cup system, but the amount of plastic being thrown into landfills was worrying the rest of us. Now the coffee-selling giant has announced a recyclable coffee pod that may ease customers' guilt.