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Jeanne Goddard

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Teen Starts Website to Help Fight Bullying Among Girls

After witnessing a close friend suffering through cyber bullying, 14 year old Azariah Brown decided to do something about it. She founded a website for teenage girls called, Love Share Care. She wanted a social online hangout where adolescent girls 13-17 can share photos, post status updates, and send love shouts.

Birds vs. Buildings

The Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) convinced 80 buildings in downtown Toronto, Ontario to turn off their lights at night during bird migration seasons.

Good Karma: Buddhists Liberate 500 Lobsters Destined for Dinner Plates

In celebration of a holiday commemorating the Buddha's call for compassion and kindness, a group of Tibetan Buddhists purchased 535 live lobsters at a Maine seafood market and released them into the cold Atlantic, giving them freedom once again in the belief that karma will ease the suffering in the animals' and humans' future lifetimes.

Mars Rover Beats the Odds, Lands on Red Planet, Beams Back Photos

Facing unfavorable odds, the U.S. scored a huge victory, sticking a landing on the surface of Mars early Monday, setting down the largest and most sophisticated mobile laboratory ever deployed, which is now beaming back photos of the red planet. NASA ground control engineers flew into a frenzy of high-fives, hugs and cheers after NASA's Curiosity rover survived a perilous seven-minute plunge to the surface of the red planet.

Is Success a Given in 2009?

How do we deal with the incoming changes if we are leaving a job, wanting a new career, getting married or divorced, moving, retiring, or losing weight? A new book, Success is a Given: Reading the Signs While Re-inventing Your Life, can answer your questions about transition and change and how to find success and claim it.

Senate Leaders Announce Budget Deal to Reopen Government

The U.S. government is expected to reopen tomorrow after legislation passes tonight based on a bipartisan deal reached today by Senate leaders. Speaker of the House John Boehner said his chamber will not block the bill when it comes to the floor tonight.

1300 Hero-Ride Cyclists Pose for Spectacular London Photo

In a beautiful sea of red, yellow, navy and light blue, more than 1,300 cyclists took to central London's streets on Sunday in aid of the UK military charity Help for Heroes. They stood on the famous Mall for an extraordinary photography to mark out the colors of the iconic medal logo used by the Armed Forces charity.

Safer Bike Helmet Crumples Before You Stop, Inspired by a Bird

The unique design of a woodpecker and the cycling crash where he landed on his head has led Londoner Anirudha Surabhi to come up with a more effective design for a bike helmet. The woodpecker pecks at about ten times per second and every time it pecks it sustains the same amount of force as us crashing at 50 miles per hour, says Surabhi. It's the only bird in the world where the skull and the beak are completely disjointed, and there's a soft corrugated cartilage in the middle that absorbs all the impact.

Couple's Babies Born 8/8/8, 9/9/9, 10/10/10

The media has been clamoring to talk to Chad and Barbie Soper of Rockford, Michigan because their third child was born on 10/10/10. Not so very uncommon, until you find out the new mother also gave birth on 9/9/09 and 8/8/08.