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Jeanne Goddard

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WWII Escapees Retrace Childhood Train Rescue

70 years ago as troops from Nazi Germany marched into Czechoslovakia, the British diplomat Sir Nicholas Winton transported 669 Jewish children aboard eight trains to England rescuing them from almost certain death.

Can Cities Save Our Bees?

Beekeepers have discovered that bees kept in urban areas are healthier and produce better honey. Fewer pesticides and a greater biodiversity help bee colonies thrive there. Today, beehives are quietly buzzing in cities all over the globe -- Chicago, Toronto, Paris, London and New York -- where thousands of different species of plants are blossoming in the gardens and parks to benefit the bees and sweeten the honey.

Canadian Heroes of 2011

Let's take a moment to thank the people who do nice things, who take the high road, and who strive to do good every day. They're all around us, and they need to be recognized even if they don't dominate the headlines. Here are some of the little known acts of heroism and honesty that happened in the great state of Canada...

Bell Canada Erecting Cellphone Towers Disguised as Trees

Ontario residents on holiday to the cottage country may think some of the trees are growing on steroids, but they're actually Bell Canada cellphone towers. The telecommunications company plans to disguise towers it erects in the Muskoka area to look like trees so they are not such a direct eyesore.

Healthy Polar Bear Count Confounds Doomsayers

A new government survey shows the polar bear population in a crucial part of northern Canada is far larger than many scientists thought -- 66 percent higher than earlier estimates -- and might be growing.

Canada to Help Libya Destroy Mustard Gas Stockpiles

Libya will start destroying its ageing stockpiles of mustard gas within months after Canada's donation of 4.5 million euros to the global chemical weapons watchdog, the group said Tuesday.