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Jeanne Goddard

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NY's Cabbie of the Year

Hossam Abdalla was crowned New York's cab driver of the year year because he returned a king's ransom in jewels to a passenger who left a million dollars worth of gold and diamonds in his taxi. Hooray for the Egyptian immigrant and his integrity!

Good Samaritan Aids Traveler on his way to Damascus

When Jackie related the incident to her son, he flipped. “Are you crazy? Haven’t you heard of car-jackers!!” She said it never crossed her mind. It felt from the start that it was right. “I knew I was meant to help this young man. I had no fear.

Break Out Of The Grasp Of Your Past!

We have to look beyond our past experiences and how are parents raised us. (If they were traumatic or regrettable experiences.)And the next time you hear yourself blaming your actions on the way your parents raised you, stop, and say I have a choice and I can transcend my presently perceived limitations.

Finding Jewels In A Soup Can… Would You Turn Them In?

The soup can was not a can at all but a trick container used to hide valuables from burglars. It seems the realistic can fooled even the owners who must have donated it to a food drive, where honest poor person received it.

New Bill in Congress Today Allows States to Legalize Pot

Congressmen Barney Frank (D-MA) and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) will introduce a bill in the US Congress today that would allow each state to decide for itself whether to legalize marijuana.

Decriminalize Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-year Study

A six-year study of Britain's drug laws by leading scientists, police officers, academics and experts has concluded it is time to introduce decriminalization. The report by the UK Drug Policy Commission says no serious rise in consumption is likely if possession of small amounts of controlled substances are allowed.