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Fencing Program Enriches Inner City Kids

Peter Westbrook’s mother encouraged him to channel his aggression into the art of fencing at age 14. Her hunch paid off and Peter won not only a path away from drugs and street crimes, but 13 US National titles, three Pan American gold medals and a Bronze medal in the 1984 Olympics.

Oyster Tide is Turning

In a rare show of consensus, scientists, fishermen, environmentalists and area residents are joining together to restore the Chesapeake Bay's historic shellfish bars, or reefs, where oysters thrive.

Emotional Reunions for Koreans after 50 years

Emotions ran high this week at Seoul's Convention Center in South Korea as 100 Korean families from both sides of the border were reunited for the first time in half a century following the historic June agreement to work toward better relations between the two Koreas.

Help for Hot Spots

A $150 million global fund has been launched to provide protection for environmental “hot spots” that contain the most dense array of plant and animal biodiversity around the planet.

All is in Divine Order

Eloise Vincent founded SOFTLY International-- Securing Our Future Today Loving Youth -- to supply medical care, clothing and beds to families living in extreme One of her beliefs was tested and ultimately strengthened this winter when SOFTLY’s abundant funds ran out.

Old Enemies Turn Into New Heroes During Floods

Some good came out of the flooding that swept through Mozambique in 2000. At the same time as marooned Mozambicans on high ground were being rescued by soldiers in helicopters, historical stereotypes were being erased and the hated enemy was fast becoming a hero.

Millennium Trees

Last month, some of the internally displaced people from the conflicts in South Ossetia and Abkhazia planted 1,000 trees with the support of the Red Cross of Georgia.

"Touched by an Angel" in Hip Hop

If a frog is dropped into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out to safety every time. But if a frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the heat is turned up, its skin will become accustomed to the rising temperature until the frog is killed.

Web Users Fight World Hunger with a Click

Every day you can make a contribution to easing world hunger just by clicking on the donate free food button on the internet home page of The Hunger Site. Since its inception, millions of pounds of food have been donated.