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Fighting America's Invasive Plants: Eco-Goats to the Rescue

Invasive species have long been dealt with using a mixture of powerful chemicals and earth movers. But a new weapon has proven more powerful -- the goat. Brian Knox's herd of Eco Goats have been clearing hundreds of acres of invasive species, like kudzu, multiflora rose and bittersweet, up and down America's East Coast, more efficiently and effectively than previous methods.

Today is National Handwriting Day - A Lost Art?

The lost art of handwriting is one of the few ways we can uniquely express ourselves. Today, January 23, is National Handwriting Day, honoring also the birthday of John Hancock, born in 1737, whose very name has come to mean "signature."

Eagles Rebound in NJ: From a Mere Two to 156 Pairs

The bald eagle population, once so decimated by the pesticide DDT that only a single pair nested in New Jersey, is on the rebound. The statewide population now numbers 156 nesting pairs -- up from 128 last year -- thanks to efforts by the federal government and several generations of conservationists.

Hubble Captures Giant Emoji in the Stars

A galaxy cluster in the shape of an emoji appeared to smile down on Earth, with the grin formed by the distortion of light from strong gravitational lensing. The unique photo was taken by the Hubble telescope, but found and cropped by an amateur astronomer.